True Count: Counting Cards in Blackjack

The True Count in Blackjack

As an experienced blackjack player, I can attest that knowing your game goes far beyond merely understanding the rules. It’s about mastering the underlying mathematics and strategy.

One such strategic tool that can potentially turn the tables in your favor is the “True Count” out of the Hi Lo Card Counting System in Blackjack. Here, I’ll provide an in-depth look at what the True Count is, why it’s crucial, and how to calculate it effectively in the game of blackjack.

Demystifying the True Count

In the realm of card counting, there are two main counts to understand: the Running Count and the True Count. We’ve already touched upon the Running Count, which is simply a tally of card values based on the Hi-Lo system. But to truly master card counting in blackjack, you must go one step further. Enter the True Count.

The True Count adjusts the Running Count to account for the number of decks remaining in the shoe. The logic behind this is straightforward: a Running Count of +5 with one deck left is far more favorable to the player than a Running Count of +5 with six decks left.

Let me break it down further: A positive Running Count means there are more high cards (10s and Aces) left in the shoe. Since these high cards favor the player, you’d want to bet more. But the degree to which the remaining cards favor the player isn’t determined by the Running Count alone. It’s the True Count that gives a more accurate reflection of this favorability.

Calculating the True Count

Here’s the good news: calculating the True Count is a simple process, requiring just a bit of division. Here’s how it works:

  1. Determine the Running Count: As each card is dealt, add or subtract based on the card’s value (+1 for 2-6, 0 for 7-9, and -1 for 10-Ace).
  2. Estimate the number of decks remaining: This step can be tricky and requires practice. A simple way is to look at the shoe and estimate how many decks are left.
  3. Calculate the True Count: Divide the Running Count by your estimate of the remaining decks.

For example, if the Running Count is +6 and you estimate about 3 decks remaining, your True Count is +2 (+6 ÷ 3 = +2).

The Significance of the True Count

The importance of the True Count in your betting strategy can’t be overstated. While a positive Running Count is favorable, it’s the True Count that determines how much you should bet. The higher the True Count, the greater your bet should be.

This is because a high True Count means there’s a higher proportion of 10s and Aces left. And since these cards favor the player, it makes sense to capitalize on this by betting more.

But how much more? As a rule of thumb, you can match your bet size to the True Count. For example, if the True Count is +3, you might want to bet 3 times your minimum bet.

Sample Running Count to True Count Conversion

Running CountEstimated Decks RemainingTrue Count

This table illustrates how the Running Count converts to the True Count with the estimation of remaining decks.

Video: Techniques for Mastering True Count Conversion

Mastering the True Count

Understanding the True Count is one thing, but mastering it under the pressure of a live game is another. This takes practice. Start with a single deck, flipping cards over one at a time and keeping track of the Running Count. Then, move on to estimating the remaining decks and calculating the True Count.

Once you’re comfortable with a single deck, add more decks to simulate real casino conditions. There are also various online simulations available to aid in your practice.

Card counting, and particularly the use of the True Count, is not a guaranteed winning strategy. Blackjack, like any casino game, has a degree of uncertainty. However, understanding the True Count can help shift the odds in your favor over the long term.

The Effect of True Count on Player’s Edge

True CountPlayer’s Edge (%)

This table presents a simplified view of how the player’s edge can increase with the True Count. It assumes a multi-deck game with liberal rules and perfect card counting. These numbers are approximations.

Sample True Count to Bet Size Conversion

True CountMinimum BetRecommended Bet Size

This table provides an example of how you might adjust your bet size based on the True Count.

These tables only provide the general idea. The real situation in the game can be influenced by various factors. Mastering the True Count requires understanding these concepts and a lot of practice.

FAQs: “True Count” in Card Counting


True Count is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any skilled blackjack player. It sharpens your understanding of the game and, when combined with basic strategy, can provide an edge over the house. But remember, at the end of the day, blackjack is a game of chance. Always play responsibly and for enjoyment first.

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